
General contact, comments about the website and other non-specific communication can be done using the contact form below.

For further information on production, project partnership, media workshops, training courses, volunteering or funding opportunities, please contact:

Chris Haydon, Director,
Community TV Trust
Tel: 07970 970 715

Mailing Address:
10 Denman Road
London SE15 5NP UK

Christopher Haydon
Kamal Prashar

plus two new appointments as of December 2021:

  • Hannah Stanton
  • Fiona Stout

Community TV Trust
Reg. Charity 1081912
Company No. 3796670

For immediate London opportunities for volunteering, email us with your interest and CV if you have one.

  • We are currently in production with a range of documentary films.
  • We occasionally need media trainers to lead short projects with various age groups, both in schools and in community.
  • For young people in HE/FE and young adults, CTVT is setting up a Steering Group to advise and report back to the Trustees on project work and community engagement.

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